Leaving Certificate RE Coursework Day
On Saturday 28th January, 2017, the Irish Centre for Religious Education (ICRE), the School of Human Development and the School of Theology, Philosophy and Music, in collaboration with the Religion Teachers’ Association of Ireland, were delighted to welcome 140 Leaving Certificate RE students and their teachers to the campus. The students participated in a series of lectures designed to assist them in their research for the coursework element of their RE programme. The day was facilitated by Dr. Sandra Cullen who also presented on issues of Justice and Peace in the World Religions. Dr. Joseph Rivera presented on sacraments in the Christian traditions. Dr. Jonathan Kearney led the students through a consideration of the use of mantra and sacred texts in the religions of south-east Asia as well as reflecting with them on the religions’ approaches to non-violence. The atmosphere on the day was lively and engaged and gave the students a very positive sense of the learning environment in the Institute. The ICRE has been receiving very positive feedback from the students and their schools about this initiative.