RE Lecturers’ Forum Research Colloquium
The second Research Colloquium of the ICRE RE Lecturers' Forum was a great success. Seven presentations covering a wide range of topics reflected high quality research taking place in the Irish context.
Elaine Mahon:
Investigating the perceptions of primary school communities in the Republic of Ireland regarding their Catholic identity
Maurice Harmon:
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 29 (d) sets the foundation for Education as a Public Good - Child and Parent Voices in Exploring Diversity and Religious Identity
Patrick Sullivan:
The Development of a Curriculum in Education about Religions and Beliefs (ERB) and Ethics as Contributing to the Public Good
Gillian Sullivan:
The Role of Religious Education in Catering for Plurality and Inclusion at Senior Cycle Post Primary Context and hence its importance as a Public Good
Cora O'Farrell:
Spiritual education according to children
Gareth Byrne and Bernadette Sweetman:
Growing up female and Catholic in the Republic of Ireland and in Scotland: The intersectionality of religious identity, religious saliency, and nationality
Gerry O'Connell:
Smuggling Donkeys - RE and MO-RE - A wondering about what we might see in a vision!
It was an affirming day showcasing cutting edge research underway in the Irish context by both experienced and early stage researchers using a variety of methodologies and addressing topics across the RE spectrum.
Congratulations to all involved.