RE Doctoral students present at ESAI 2016
The annual ESAI conference took place in Galway from 31st March to 2nd April 2016. This year's theme was Education as a Public Good.
Four of the students currently in the RE Strand of the Doctorate of Education programme presented on their current research.
Ciara Morrison-Reilly:
Smartphone microblogging for supporting mobile learning in post-primary religious education
Maurice Harmon:
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 29(d) sets the foundation for Education as a Public Good - Child and Parent Voices in Exploring Diversity and Religious Identity
Gillian Sullivan:
Religious Education as a Public Good in Catering for Plurality and Inclusion at Post Primary Level
Patrick Sullivan:
The Development of a Curriculum in Education about Religions and Beliefs (ERB) and Ethics as Contributing to the Public Good
Congratulations and continued best wishes for your research.
For more on the ESAI 2016, visit the website at http://www.esai.ie/conference-2016