School of Human Development hosts InterChange Symposium on Climate Justice and the Arts
On May 29th, Colleagues from the School of Human Development and the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education at DCU, in partnership with NCAD, held a one-day Symposium on the DCU All Hallows Campus. The event was funded by the Irish Research Council, Irish Aid and the Ubuntu Network.
The day-long event featured four workshops and two panel sessions which focused on visually representing the climate crisis, and storying the climate crisis. The discussions ranged a number of topics such as holding space for difficult conversations that can lead to creative action in the face of denial and fatalism.
Dr Audrey Bryan, Dr Anne Marie Kavanagh, Dr Majella McSharry and Dr Irene White from the School of Human Development, Andrea Cleary from the School of Arts Education and Movement, and Dr. Rowan Oberman from the School of STEM Education and Global Studies facilitated or participated in plenary sessions, panel discussions and workshops and numerous other colleagues from the School of Human Development and the wider IoE shared their expertise at the event.
A unique and dynamic gathering of 80 artists, activists, educators, students, curriculum specialists and policymakers came together to discuss the Arts’ emancipatory potential in responding to the climate crisis. Panelists and workshop facilitators included: art historian Dr. Yvonne Scott, curator and storyteller Oein DeBhairduin, screenwriter and theatre-maker, Sian Ní Mhuirí, educators Sive Bresnihan and Dr. Rowan Oberman and artists/artist educators Lucy Boyle, Anishta Chooramun, Andrea Cleary, Maia De Faveri, Eduard Fulop, Fiona King, Dr Caoimhín Gaffney, Tony Murphy, Dr. Deirdre O’Mahony, Geraldine O’Neill, and educators Sive Bresnihan and Dr. Rowan Oberman.