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Higher Education Research Centre
4th European Conference on Service-Learning in Higher Education ECSLHE2021

Call for Papers

Organized by European Association for Service-Learning in Higher Education and ENGAGE STUDENTS project partnership

16th- 17th of September 2021, Bucharest, Romania

Hybrid Format (in-person and online)

Universities Meet Local Communities. Service-Learning in Higher Education

Focusing on the contemporary challenges of university-community engagement and partnerships, the 4th European Conference on Service Learning offers space and time for critical reflection on community engagement, the need for embedding Service Learning in the curriculum, and the value of practical experiences in Service Learning for students, teachers, and community partners. The conference is planned as a source of exchange of knowledge from the field of practice and research of Service Learning and building networks in this field.

The conference is organized by the European Association for Service-Learning in Higher Education in collaboration with the partners of the ERASMUS+ Project ENGAGE STUDENTS – Promoting Social Responsibility of Students by Embedding Service-Learning into Educational Curricula (number 2018-1-RO01-KA203-049309)



The conference will be organized in a hybrid format (in-person and online).

However, considering the actual Coronavirus situation that still impose travel restrictions, at this moment we are only accepting submissions for virtual participation.

If the situation changes, we will be ready to welcome you in Bucharest if you can travel, but if you cannot, you will be able to enjoy a truly hybrid experience.



We are inviting contributors to present their theoretical considerations, empirical research, or practical experiences for discussion and sharing of their progress in:

  • Theoretical considerations about SL, e-SL, etc...;
  • Empirical research & practical experiences;
  • Implementing university-community partnerships;
  • Embedding Service-Learning courses in the curriculum;
  • Designing (E-) Service-Learning courses.

Topics of interest range from good practices to general challenges to specific obstacles encountered in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, as well as considerations of strategies to address them.

Papers submitted for review must clearly state:

  • The purpose of the work
  • How and to what extent it advances the state-of-the-art
  • Specific results and their impact



Please submit your abstract with max. 500 words including references via conference online submission platform until June 28, 2021. We look forward to receiving your contributions.



Virtual participation fees

Regular:                                                            50 EUR

EASLHE members:                                             20 EUR

Membership of EASLHE + virtual participation:   40 EUR

The registration fee includes access to all conference sessions and an electronic copy of the conference proceedings.

To be published in the ECSLHE2021 Book of Abstracts, at least one author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference.

In person participation details will follow if the case.



Call for proposals published:      April 19, 2021

Call for proposals closes:           June 28, 2021

Decision on contributions:         July 9, 2021

Draft programme:                     July 15, 2021

Registration closes:                   September 1, 2021

Final programme:                     September 6, 2021



Organizing Committee

Gabriel Dima (Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest, RO), Chair

Vaida Pilinkiene (Kaunas University of Technology, LT), Vice-Chair

Andrea Hoyer-Neuhold (University of Vienna, AT)

Tanya Zubrzycki (Dublin City University, IE)

Sofia Pais (Univ. of Porto, PT)

Lluis Francesc Peris Cancio (Univ. degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, IT)

Vladimir Tanasiev (Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest, RO)


Technical Program Committee

Pilar Aramburuzabala (Autonomous University of Madrid, ES), TPC Chair

Nicolas Standaert (KU Leuven, BE), TPC Co-Chair

Katharina Resch (University of Vienna, AT), TPC Vice-Chair

Cinzia Albanesi (Univ. of Bologna, IT)

Alzbeta Brozmanova Gregorova (Matej Bel University, SK)

Joaquim Coimbra (Univ. of Porto, PT)

Irene Culcasi (LUMSA University, IT)

Loredana Manasia (Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest, RO)

Lucas Meijs (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, NL)

Nives Mikelić Preradović (Univ. of Zagreb, HR)

Joana Padrao (Univ. of Algarve, PT)

Rolf Laven (Univ. College of Teacher Education Vienna, AT)

Alina Rusu (Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, RO)

Thomas Sporer (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, DE)

Jovita Vasauskaitė (Kaunas University of Technology, LT)