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Conference theme: Centres of Third Age (50+) Education - Reality and Prospects in Ukraine and the European Union
Ukrainian Universities move to become Lifelong Learning Universities.
The Academy of Municipal Administration Kyiv - Kiev, Ukraine recently played host to a European TEMPUS project conference Centres of 'Third Age (50+)' Education - Reality and Prospects in Ukraine and the European Union, which focused on third age learning. The conference provided an opportunity for discussions on how to create and ensure institutional and financial sustainable models for Third Age Education in Ukraine. Contributions were given from a broad range of disciplinary and professional contexts all of which encouraged a wider understanding of the challenges and responses of the public awareness on issues related to Third Age Education and the setting up of centers in partner countries. The conference also examined the social, cultural and political contribution which senior people can make and how they can participate effectively in decision-making at all levels.
The conference provided an opportunity to highlight good practice across the European Union as well as showcasing good practice which has developed across Ukraine as a result of the EU funded TEMPUS project Centre for the Third Age Education , CTAE 544517-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-IT-TEMPUS-JPHES , 2013-4597/01/01.
The Ukrainian partners have already made a significant contribution to the project. Staff and students from the Volyn Institute of Economy and Management (Lutsk) and Donetsk State University of Management (Mariupol) also shared their experience. Many older students travelled to Kyiv to engage in discussion on how later life learning can be supported and developed in Ukraine. They attended a lecture programme from experts in third age learning and they shared information with each other about their respective provision and how it is organised. Leading experts in geriatrics, social psychology and gerontology and the U3A addressed the conference.
Dr. Diana Spulber, TEMPUS Project Manager, DISFOR, University of Genoa, Italy commented: ‘within a relatively short space of time the Ukrainian partners have been able to set up provision which is engaging older people in their localities. The model adopted is based on EU experience which was earlier shared in the project. It has not been an easy task for Ukrainian universities, particularly since one of the participating universities has had to move its location due to the current political uncertainties in Ukraine. However, despite these challenges, the universities are overcoming barriers and encouraging many older people to benefit from a university education and are now becoming places of learning for all age groups.’
Dr. Alina Khaletska, Professor, Academy of Municipal Administration, Kyiv and Conference Organiser said ‘this has been a very successful conference. Everyone has learnt so much from each other’s experience and we go away refreshed and ready for the tasks ahead.’
Dr. Rob Mark, Researcher in Age Friendly Universities, Dublin City University commented:
‘The Ukrainian universities are developing their own model which is based on staff-student engagement, voluntarism and the perceived needs of older learners. It is a very positive model on which to build and should be shared with other European countries.’
The conference was attended by partners from Ireland, Italy, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Ukraine and the UK.
Author, Dr. Rob Mark, June 2016