10th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform - Call for Papers
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education,
October 2–4, 2013
Conference Theme: Higher Education Reforms: Looking Back – Looking Forward
The Centre for Education Policy Studies (CEPS )will host this year's International Workshop on Higher Education Reform at the University of Ljubljana from October 2-4, 2012. This is the tenth international workshop that brings together researchers and policy analysts and makers. In 2007 DCU hosted the 4th International Workshop on Higher Education Reforms under the theme Changing students - Changing universities: Developments and policies. Director of HERC, Professor Maria Slowey is a member of the International Advisory Board for the conference.
The Workshop is co-sponsored by the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Higher Education Special Interest Group; the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE); the Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training, University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada; and the PASCAL International Observatory.
Proposals of up to 400 words (for papers) and 800 words (for panels) should be received per electronic mail (file transfer) by or before June 1, 2013 at ceps@pef.uni-lj.si. Presenters will be notified by June 14th.
For more information and details on the call for papers please visit the Conference Website.