Economic and Social Research Council Festival of Social Science Event – Belfast, 8 November 2012
Director of HERC, Professor Maria Slowey was invited to participate in a conference entitled “Stimulating Skills, Innovation and Economic Growth: what more can we learn from research and practice?” in Belfast on 8 November. This economic growth-focused conference was organised by the Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland (DELNI) in conjunction with the ESRC sponsored Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies (LLAKES) based in the Institute of Education, London.
Professor Slowey contributed to a panel debate that aimed to engage with policy makers, practitioners and academics on a range of issues around skills and innovation, relevant to local economic development.
The conference was held as part of the Economic and Social Research Council’s (ESRC) National Festival of Social Science week, which ran from the 3-10 November 2012. Researchers from LLAKES and from Northern Ireland presented relevant work on innovation and skills development. Presentations focused on what we can do during the economic downturn to build for future success. Representatives from policy, business and education also contributed by showcasing Northern Ireland’s practice in areas of skills and innovation.