Investment in Education Seminar at TCD
A seminar to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the launch of the Investment in Education study in 1962 will take place in TCD on Wednesday 28 November. The seminar is hosted by the Cultures, Academic Values and Education (CAVE) research group in the School of Education at TCD, in collaboration with the Economic and Social Research institute (ESRI). The event will commemorate the historical impact of the project, but also highlight long-term policy influences and possible lessons for current policy-makers.
The Minister for Education, Mr. Ruairi Quinn TD, has agreed to give the closing address for the seminar. Guest contributors will include Prof. John Fitzgerald (Research Professor, ESRI), Professor Áine Hyland (Emeritus Professor of Education, UCC), Professor Maria Slowey (Director, Higher Education Research and Development, DCU), Dr. Mary Canning (former lead education specialist, the World Bank) and Mr. David Begg (General Secretary, Irish Congress of Trade Unions).
Event details
Date: Wednesday 28 November
Time: 10.30am-3.00pm
Venue: Neill/Hoey Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub
Tea/coffee and a light lunch will be provided at the event.
If you are interested in attending the event please register in advance by emailing walshj AT tcd.ie as places may be limited.
Further information is available in the following Seminar Programme PDF.