TCD School of Education Postgraduate Research Conference
Dr Ekaterina Kozina, a member of research team in the Higher Education Research Centre in DCU, was invited as a guest speaker to conclude this year's 3rd Annual PGR Conference in the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin. 'That's What I call Educational Research' was the overarching theme of this year conference and Ekaterina was asked to speak on the topic 'Life after PhD'. The papers presented at this conference represented work in progress of postgraduate research students of the School of Education and covered a broad range of themes including "voice and identity", "curriculum and classroom", "further education" and "policy and civic responsibility". In her talk Ekaterina broadly spoke on the issues facing new and recent research graduates in education such as overcoming challenges in completing one's PhD, changing career trajectories for early-career academics, measuring career success, ways and forms to publish your research and on the importance of collaborations and social environments of work places. The conference was a full day event of celebration and acknowledgement of all to-date achievements and current undertakings of all research students in the TCD School of Education.