The SRHE Annual Research Conference: Call for papers
What is Higher Education For? Shared and contested ambitions.
SRHE Annual Research Conference 12-14 December 2012
Celtic Manor, Newport in South Wales, United Kingdom
The Society for Research into Higher Education invites contributions to this international conference which will examine many perspectives about what higher education is for. Presentations and discussions will explore ways in which research into higher education can support and strengthen shared ambitions and illuminate contested ones, taking a broad and multi-faceted view of the nature and purpose of higher education.
The SRHE Annual Conference provides a major platform for thebpresentation and sharing of research into every aspect of higher education. You are invited to contribute to this debate in a variety of ways: by presenting a paper, including work of a conceptual or theoretical nature, forming or participating in a symposium, or organising a round table on any aspect of this year’s theme or your own research interests. Empirical and scholarly research from a wide range of perspectives is welcome.
Deadline for paper submissions: Friday 29 June 2012
Conference Registration now open and early booking discounts are available.
The Newer Researchers Conference will be held on 11 December at the Celtic Manor Resort. A call for papers will be published shortly.
To download the full Call for Papers and for information on how to submit a proposal, conference registration and further information on both conferences visit the SRHE website.