Higher Education For The Social Good?
The UALL Annual Conference took place on 18-20 March 2012, at Clare College, University of Cambridge . This year’s conference was entitled Higher Education for the Social Good? The Place of Lifelong Learning'. The conference programme featured keynotes, plenaries, workshop and poster sessions exploring the role(s) and place of lifelong learning in the higher education landscape.
The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) is the professional association for the lifelong learning community within higher education. UALL plays a leading role in national and international policy formulation, advocacy, research and practice in lifelong learning and continuing education.
Director of HERC, Professor Maria Slowey was invited to present at the plenary panel session on ‘Funding and policy developments in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland’. Professor Slowey provided an analysis on recent developments in Ireland in the areas of funding and policy arising from the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030. Professor Slowey was previously a member of the national executive of the UALL.
For further details on the event please visit the UALL website.