Emma Murphy Homepage
Dr Emma Murphy
Emma Murphy is a postdoctoral researcher at the Higher Education Research Centre (HERC) and the School of Computing at DCU. In 2014 she was awarded an Irish Research Council postdoctoral research fellowship investigating the potential of inclusive technology to support older adult learners. Emma has significant experience in the design and evaluation of user interaction techniques for older adults and people with disabilities and has published extensively in this area. Emma completed her PhD at the Sonic Arts Research Centre at Queen’s University Belfast and is also a graduate of Trinity College Dublin. She has previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Inclusive Technology at NCBI, and the School of Nursing, at Dublin City University. She has also worked at the Multimodal Interaction Lab at McGill University, Montreal in the area of perceptual validation of audio and haptic cues.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
SAID, K., KUBER, R., MURPHY, E. (2015) AudioAuth: Exploring the Design and Usability of a Sound-Based Authentication System. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 7(4), 16-34.
GALLAGHER, B., MURPHY, E., FENNELL, A. (2012) Ageing, Vision Impairment and Digital Inclusion in Ireland. Journal of Community Informatics, 8(1)
MURPHY, E., LAGRANGE, M., SCAVONE, G., DEPALLE, P., GUASTAVINO, C. (2011) Perceptual Evaluation of Rolling Sound Synthesis, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 97(5) 840-851.
GIORDANO, B.L., GUASTAVINO, C., MURPHY, E., OGG, M., SMITH, B.K. & MCADAMS, S. (2011). Comparison of methods for collecting and modeling dissimilarity data: Applications to complex sound stimuli. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46, 1-33.
QIAN, H., KUBER, R., SEARS, A. & MURPHY, E. (2011) Maintaining and Modifying Pace through Tactile and Multimodal Feedback. Interacting with Computers, 23 (3), 214-225.
PIRHONEN, A., MURPHY, E., (2008) Designing for the Unexpected: The role of creative group work for emerging interaction design paradigms Journal of Visual Communication Special Issue on Haptic Interactions, 7(3) 331-344.
MURPHY, E., KUBER, R., MCALLISTER, G., STRAIN, P. & YU, W. (2008). An empirical investigation into the difficulties experienced by visually impaired Internet users. Universal Access in the Information Society Journal, 7(1) 79-91.
YU, W., KUBER, R., MURPHY, E., STRAIN, P. & MCALLISTER, G. (2005). A novel multimodal interface for improving visually impaired people's web accessibility. Virtual Reality Journal Special issue on haptic interfaces and applications , 9(2) 133-148 .
Other Peer-Reviewed Publications
MURPHY, E. (2015) An exploration of UDL and interaction design to enhance the experiences of older adult learners in Proceedings of the AHEAD Conference Universal Design for Learning: A License to Learn, Dublin Castle, Dublin; 03/2015
MURPHY, E., POLITIS, Y., & SLOWEY, M. (2015). Contributing to an Evidence Base for the Enhancement of the Experiences and Outcomes of Mature Students at an Irish University. In F. Ribeiro, Y. Politis, & B. Culum (Eds.) New Voices in Higher Education Research and Scholarship (pp. 191-212). Hershey, PA
SAID, K., KUBER, R., MURPHY, E. (2014) Towards the Development of AudioAuth: An Auditory Authentication System. 8th Annual Irish Human Computer Interaction (iHCI) Conference, DCU, Ireland; 09/2014
POWER, C., PETRIE, H., SWALLOW, D., MURPHY, E., GALLAGHER, B., VELASCO, C. (2013) Navigating, Discovering and Exploring the Web: Strategies Used by People with Print Disabilities on Interactive Websites. INTERACT 2013, Cape Town, South Africa; 09/2013
KING, M., HU, F., MCHUGH, J. MURPHY, E., NEWMAN, E., IRVING, K., SMEATON, A. F. (2013) Visibility of wearable sensors as measured using eye tracking glasses. In: WISHWell’13 - 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-being, 3 Dec 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
FITZPATRICK, D., MURPHY, E., (2013) Using speech and audio to present mathematics. in the Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference; February 27- March 1, 2013; San Diego, USA.
MURPHY, E., MOUSSETTE, C., VERRON, C., GUASTAVINO, C. (2012). Supporting sounds: design and evaluation of an audio-haptic interface. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (HAID'12), Charlotte Magnusson, Delphine Szymczak, and Stephen Brewster (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg
KUBER, R., TRETTER, M., MURPHY, E. (2011). Developing and Evaluating a Non-Visual Memory Game. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proceedings of INTERACT) (Vol. 6947, pp. 541–553).
MURPHY, E., BATES, E., FITZPATRICK, D. (2010) Designing Auditory Cues to Enhance Spoken Mathematics for Visually Impaired Users, in the Proceedings of ASSETS '10, The 12th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 25-27 October, Florida, USA.
GIORDANO, B.L., GUASTAVINO, C., MURPHY, E., OGG, M., SMITH, B.K. & MCADAMS, S. (2009) Common and distinctive features of similarity: Effect of behavioral method, in Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.
MURPHY, E., MOUSETTE, C., VERRON, C., GUASTAVINO, C. (2008) Design and evaluation of an audio-haptic interface, in Proceedings of eNTERFACE '08 Workshop, August 4th-29; LIMSI, France.
MURPHY, E., LAGRANGE, M., SCAVONE, G., DEPALLE, P., GUASTAVINO, C. (2008) Perceptual Evaluation of a Real-time Synthesis Technique for Rolling Sounds, in Proceedings of Enactive '08, November 19-21; Pisa, Italy.
MURPHY, E., KUBER, R., STRAIN, P., MCALLISTER, G. & YU, W. (2007). Developing sounds for a multimodal interface: conveying spatial information to visually impaired web users. Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference for Auditory Display; June 26-29; Montreal, Canada.
MURPHY, E., PIRHONEN, A., MCALLISTER, G. & YU, W. (2006). A semiotic approach to the design of non-speech sounds. McGookin, D. & Brewster, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop Haptic and Audio Interaction Design; August 31-September 1; Glasgow, UK; volume 4129 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 121-132 .
PIRHONEN, A., MURPHY, E., MCALLISTER, G. & YU, W. (2006). Non-speech sounds as elements of a use scenario: A semiotic perspective. Edwards, A. D. N. & Stockman, T. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Auditory Display; June 20-23; London, UK.
YU W., MCALLISTER G., MURPHY E., KUBER R., & STRAIN P. (2005). Developing Multi-modal Interfaces for Visually Impaired People to Access the Internet. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction; July 22-27, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
MURPHY, E., MCALLISTER, G., STRAIN, P., KUBER, R. & YU, W. (2005). Audio for a non-Visual assistive web plug-in. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Auditory Display; July 6-9; Limerick, Ireland.
YU W., MCALLISTER G., STRAIN P., MURPHY E., AND KUBER R., (2005) Improving Web Accessibility Using Content-Aware Plugins. Proceedings of CHI 2005, Late Breaking Results, 2-7 April 2005, Portland, Oregon USA.