Advisory Group
Professor Patrick Clancy, Professor Emeritus, University College Dublin, Ireland
Professor Barbara Flood, Deputy Dean and Professor of Accounting, Dublin City University, Ireland
Mr. William Kelly, Deputy Registrar, Dean of Teaching and Learning, DCU
Professor Mark Morgan, Cregan Professor of Education & Psychology, St. Patrick's Campus DCU
Dr. Padraig Murphy, Director, Societal Impact Platform and Senior Lecturer in Communications, Dublin City University, Ireland
Dr. Seamus O'Tuama, Director, Adult and Continuing Education, and Senior Lecturer in political science, University College Cork, Ireland
Professor Anne Ryan, Professor of Adult and Community Education, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland
Professor Fionnuala Waldron, Cregan Professor of Education/ Dean of Education & Head of Education Department/ Chair of Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education, Institute of Education, St. Patrick's Campus Dublin City University, Ireland
Professor John Field, Professor Emeritus, University of Stirling
SOLAS, vacant
Dr. Tom Doyle, Research Associate, HERC and Organisational Consultant, Cuyahoga Consulting
Dr. Alan Gorman, HERC Research Fellow and Assistant Professor and Director of School Placement on the Bachelor of Education and Professional Master of Education, DCU
Dr. Anna Logan, HERC Research Fellow and Assistant Professor at the School of Inclusive and Special Education, DCU
Dr. Rob Mark, Honorary Research Fellow in HERC, DCU, Ireland and the University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Ms. Tanya Zubrzycki, Research Assistant, HERC, DCU