Welcome to the DCU Learn
DCU Learn offers a range of short courses and micro-credentials which are industry, career and lifelong learning focused. These courses for anyone who is looking to gain new skills and competences in a fast and flexible way.

DCU Business School is part of the AACSB network of world's top Business School
View our Business School Micro-Credentials
"Education is a life-long journey with an "open door" policy, the accessibility of completing a Micro-Credential with DCU will empower you to grow and develop your own personal agency, whilst enabling you to successfully close any visible skill gaps. This unique and agile approach of obtaining a Micro Credential allows you to navigate your career trajectory according to your own pace and time-line."
Jill Tuite - Optimum
"I've seen first-hand some of the brilliant work happening in the DCU Micro-Credentials hub, it's really exciting and shows a glimpse of what the future of learning really should look like"
Carl Blake - Regional Skills Fora