Prof. James O'Higgins Norman Biography
Prof. James O'Higgins Norman is UNESCO Chair in Tackling Bullying in Schools and Cyberspace and is Director of the DCU Anti-Bullying Centre.
James has worked as a DCU academic for 21 years in a number of roles including Head of School, Programme Chair, Faculty Teaching & Learning Committee, and Academic Council as well as lecturing in sociology and equality studies.
With his colleagues in the School of Education Studies he established the first part-time teacher education qualification for second-level teachers in Ireland, ultimately creating the largest post-graduate programme in the University. James's research has focused on bullying in schools and society and he has played an important role in forming government and international educational policy. For this he recently received the President's Award for Research Impact.
Since 2012, when he became Director of DCU's Anti-Bullying Centre, James has successfully raised several million euro in research funding and ensured that DCU is recognised as a global leader in research and education on bullying. James has represented DCU with the Government, UN, and the European Commission, and worked closely with colleagues in every faculty of the University to help ensure that DCU remains at the forefront of development in education and research.