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Finance Office

Payroll-Your DCU Payslip-A Guide

Last updated January 2025

Core Portal

All Payroll information can be accessed via DCU CoreHR Employee Portal  (bookmark link in your browser)

Your staff DCU network username and password are required to logon to the Core portal, if you are new to the University and do not have this information you need to contact the DTS Digital Technology Solutions Helpdesk, click this link for help and contact information, please ensure to have your Staff Number to hand to quote.

Upon logging on to Core portal, navigate to Employee Dashboard and € Payment tab, from here you will see a number of widgets, please refer to information below which gives a brief outline of each area

  • My Payslips-Instantly you will see your most recent 6 payslips (where applicable), select the relevant month, click on "Full Payslip" icon and from here you can view or download and print your full payslip if required.  There is also a "View all" icon which has the full history of ALL previous payslips.
  • Tax Detail-Shows your PPSN number and current RPN detail for Tax and USC purposes.
  • My Bank Accounts-Here you can view and edit your Bank Details for both Payroll and Core Expense payments (where relevant) NOTE-there may be a timing issue if you update details when a Payroll is being closed off so please ensure you are aware of relevant payroll deadlines before updating Payroll bank details.
  • P60 Documents-P60 history will only appear where relevant to 2018 (full history via "View all" button) as P60's were replaced in 2019 tax year by the Employment Detail Summary which are available from Revenue through MyAccount under "PAYE Services" and "Review your Tax" option, if you do not have an online Revenue account, you must contact Revenue to request a copy of the Employment Detail Summary, Revenue have outlined this request could take up to 6 weeks to process.
  • ASC60 & PRD60 Certs-PRD (Pension Related Deduction) changed to ASC (Additional Superannuation Contribution) in 2019 but both year end certs are available under this option and a year end cert will only be accessible when the employee is active at 31st December in that year.  ASC60's from 2019 onwards and PRD60 certs from 2009 to 2018 are available where applicable.  The ASC60 Certificate is only relevant to DCU Staff (Full Time and Fixed Hrs) that are members of the DCU Pension Scheme.  The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) are responsible for the implementation of the Additional Superannuation Contribution. If DCU is your main employer this ASC60 Certificate is for your information only. Where DCU is your subsidiary employer you should pass this certificate on to your main employer for year end reconciliation to be processed.

    NOTE Any DCU staff member where DCU is their main employer at year end (31st December) and you receive a ASC60 from another employer in the same year,  this certificate should be forwarded to the DCU payroll office who in turn will run a year end reconciliation to ensure that overall the correct ASC has been deducted for that year.