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Payroll-New To DCU

Last updated January 2025

PPSN - Personal Public Service Number

A PPSN is an individual's unique identification number that helps you access social welfare benefits, public services and information in Ireland, it is also a unique reference between Revenue and your employer to manage personal tax affairs.

If you do not hold a PPSN, it is advisable that you apply for one as soon as possible because Emergency Tax and USC rates will be applied to your salary until this is resolved. Once you have your PPSN, if this is your first Irish employment you will also need to register your employment with Revenue.

You need to complete the following steps in full to cease paying emergency tax and usc rates:

Further Information

You can access more information about applying for a PPSN here.

Accessing Revenue

The quickest and most convenient way for individuals to manage their tax affairs is through Revenue’s myAccount.

myAccount is a single access point for all Revenue’s secure online services.



Payroll can be contacted via: