Payroll Part Time Hourly Claims
Last updated January 2025
DCU Payroll have recently rolled out a new module within Core which enables part time hourly paid employees in certain Faculty\Units across the DCU Group claim for their hours worked in an automated, efficient way.
Core Part Time Claimant (WFM)Training Manual
Click on this link to view manual which outlines detailed steps with screenshots of how an employee submits a claim via Timesheet Module.
It is important for active employees to note that claims submitted for hours worked up to the 15th of the current month will be paid assuming the claims are approved for Payroll action by the Payroll cutoff, for more information on deadlines, please click this link.
Another very important point to highlight is an employee must claim for all hours worked within the period of their contract start and end date, if this is not done within the required timeframe it can cause issues as when an employee's contract expires so does the DCU IT access which does not allow the employee access to the system to submit a claim.
We have a short video below which gives the employee a visual run through of how to submit a claim via Timesheet module
Any queries will be addressed when the employee logs a ticket through the Finance Systems Helpdesk.
For more information on how to log a ticket please click on this link.