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Finance Office

Finance Office - Fees - Programme Costs And Times For Payment - Academic Year 2008/2009

Finance Office - Fees

Undergraduate Degree Fees 2011/2012

Undergraduate Degree Fees Booklet Pdf

Programme Registration Fee EU Fee Status Non EU Fee
DC110 - Bachelor of Business Studies -  International
DC111 - Bachelor of Business Studies 2,038 5917 10,700
DC112 - B.A. in European Business (French)
DC113 - B.A. in European Business (German)
DC114 - B.A. in European Business (Spanish)
DC115 - B.A. in Accounting & Finance
DC116 - B.A. in European Business (Transatlantic Studies)
DC117 - B.Sc. in Aviation Management/Aviation Mgt. with Pilot Studies 
DC125 - Common Entry into Mathematical Sciences   2,038 6245 11,300
DC126 - B.Sc. in Actuarial Mathematics
DC127 - Common Entry into Actuarial, Financial and Mathematical Sciences
DC144 - B.A. in International Business & Languages (French/German/Spanish) 
DC146 - B.A. in International Business & Languages (French/German)
DC147 - B.A. in International Business & Languages (French/Spanish)
DC148 - B.A. in International Business & Languages (German/Spanish)
DC149 - B.A. in International Business & Languages (Japanese)
DC150 - B.A. in International Business & Languages (Chinese)
DC155 - B.A. in Applied Language and Intercultural Studies (Common Entry)
DC156 - B.A. in Languages for International Communication (English Studies)
DC236 - B.Sc. in Quantitive Finance
DC240 - B.Sc. in Marketing, Innovation and Technology
DC118 - B.A. Gnó & Gaeilge (Business and Irish, Irish Medium) 2,038 6674 12,100
DC120 - B.Sc. in Enterprise Computing
DC121 - B.Sc. in Computer Applications +
DC131 - B.A. in Communication Studies
DC132 - B.A. in Journalism
DC133 - B.Sc in Multimedia
DC161 - B.Sc. in Analytical Science +
DC162 - B.Sc in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences +
DC166 - B.Sc. in Environmental Science and Health 
DC167 - B.Sc. in Physics with Astronomy
DC168 - B.Sc. In Genetics & Cell Biology
DC170 - B.Sc. in Horticulture
DC171 - B.Sc. in Applied Physics
DC173 - B.Sc. in Physics with Biomedical Sciences
DC181 - B.Sc. in Biotechnology +
DC191 - B.Eng. in Electronic Engineering +
Open Opportunities in Engineering Course +
DC192 - B.Eng. in Information and Communications Engineering +
DC193 - B.Eng. in Mechatronic Engineering +
DC195 - B.Eng. Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering +
DC196 - B.Eng. Manufacturing with Business Studies +
DC197 - B.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering +
DC199 - B.Eng. in Digital Media Engineering +
DC200 - Common Entry to Engineering (Electronic) (Undemoniated Entry) +
DC201 - Common Entry into Science +
DC202 - B.Sc in Sport Science & Health
DC203 - B.Sc. in Science Education
DC209 - B.Sc. in Health & Society
DC230 - B.A. in Economics, Politics & Law
DC231 - B.A. in International Relations
DC232 – BCL (Law & Society)
DC235 - B.Sc. in Education & Training
DC238 - B.A. in Contemporary Culture and Society
DC239– B.A. Gaeilge agus Iriseoireacht (Irish and Journalism, Irish Medium)
DC215 - B.Sc. in Nursing (General) 2,038 7144 13,200
DC216 - B.Sc. In Nursing (Psychiatric)
DC217 - B.sc. in Nursing (Intellectual Disability)
DC218 - B.Sc. in Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing
DC288 - B.Sc. in Children's and General (Integrated) Nursing Mature
DC205 - B.Sc. in Physical Education with Biology 2,038 7290 13,200
DC208 - B.Sc. in Psychology 
DC204 - BSc. in Athletic Therapy and Training 2,038 8410 15,200


+ "The Undergraduate Skills activity is funded by the Irish Government and part funded by the European Social Fund under the Human Capital Investment Operational Programme 2007-2013

Funded by the Irish Government and part funded by the European Social Fund