DCU to host China Ireland ICT Symposium
Dublin City University will host the 2012 China Ireland Information & Communications Technology (CIICT) symposium, ICT & Energy Efficiency, on the 5th and 6th of July.
The symposium will explore how the design of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is increasingly influenced by energy costs and power consumption constraints and, additionally, how ICT will be broadly applied in future to help manage the emerging global energy crises.
Founded in 2006, and alternating annually between China and Ireland, CIICT has aimed to strengthen ICT research collaboration between China and Ireland, facilitating both academic and industrial research interactions between the two countries and their international partners. This year's symposium continues this overall goal, with a number of invited speakers and expert panel members from China and Ireland.
The two-day Symposium, which is a Partner Conference of the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF 2012), will focus on three main themes:
• Convergence of Smart Grid and the Internet of Things
• Energy Efficient Wired and Wireless ICT
• Network Efficiency and Energy Efficiency
For further information, visit CIICT 2012 where Online Registration is now open.