DCU President announces new Centre for Digital Learning
Professor Brian MacCraith, President of Dublin City University, has announced plans to establish a new Centre for Digital Learning at DCU to revolutionise the student learning experience in an increasingly digital society.
The establishment of this new centre of excellence and research will build on DCU's existing reputation as a leader in the area of online and distance learning. The initiative aims to transform student learning both on-campus and online through the dissemination of online resources and learning content and through research into teaching and learning methodologies in both environments. The Centre will be led by a new Chair in Digital Learning, supported by a core team of academic leaders specialising in the area of Technology-Enhanced Learning and eLearning technologist.
Announcing details of the Centre for Digital Learning at the annual President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Professor MacCraith said,
"It is clear that most of our students are 'digital natives' who have grown up in a dynamic, digital world, and our teaching methodologies must reflect this changing environment. The Centre for Digital Learning will enable DCU to increase significantly its suite of on-line education offerings as well as pioneering approaches that optimise the learning experience. Building on DCU's role as Ireland's 'University of Enterprise', DCU plans to establish active partnerships with enterprise partners both in the on-line delivery of education and training needs, and in the development of cutting-edge digital platforms and methodologies."
DCU will draw on its existing partnerships between DCU School of Education Studies, Oscail, the National Distance Education Platform hosted at DCU for two decades, and expert faculty from St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Mater Dei Institute of Education and All Hallows College of Education. The Centre will also play a key role in enhanced collaboration across the emerging partnership between DCU, NUI Maynooth and the Royal College of Surgeons.