DCU In The Community Graduation
Sixty-five students celebrated their graduation from various DCU in the Community courses in a special ceremony in The Helix.
Students graduated from Bridge to Education, Digital Media, Creative Communications, Working with Groups and Boxing Clever courses.
Among the attendees were past and current students of the community-based learning centre, their families and friends, as well as partner organisations and Dublin City University representatives.
Professor Anne Scott, DCU's Deputy President and Registrar was the special guest at the event and gave an inspiring speech about the importance of lifelong learning and flexible educational options.
"There isn't just one and only right way to higher education," she said, "and if a certain way does not work for you, there are many other routes you can take to get there."
Professor Ronnie Munck, Head of Civic Engagement at DCU, thanked Anne Scott for being a great supporter and advocate for DCU in the Community and presented her with a newly published book on civic engagement in higher education.
For some students, many of them mature learners returning to education, it was the first time on DCU campus and their first graduation ceremony.
A number of graduating DCU in the Community students were also celebrating another success on the day, as they managed to secure places on degree programmes at Dublin City University and other institutes of higher education, and on PLC programmes in local colleges of further education for the upcoming academic year.