July/ August 2014: DCU Business School and CEIE hosts Summer School for DCU@ PNU students
During the months of July and August, students from DCU@PNU programmes travelled to Dublin for a three week summer school.
Delivered in collaboration with DCU Language Services, the programme included formal English classes and tutorials as well as a number of business sessions delivered by DCU Business School faculty. The and was well received by the participants, offering a fantastic learning opportunity for both students and the delivery team.
What did our students say?
"The lecturer was flawless. Once of my best lectures I have ever attended; her positiveness and energy is contagious".
"The induction week was great!! We learnt a lot about DCU, Dublin as well as Ireland. The staff who worked with us was available at all time and very helpful to facilitate the program very well. (Summer school participant, 2014)
"The lecturer made us think wisely about our goal and vision. I liked his method of visual learning. If I have a company and I'm facing trouble, he'll be in my speed dial.
"WOW! My ultimate favourite. I wish I can hold my eyes from blinking so I won't miss a single moment! I would be the luckiest student if I'm having him as my instructor! The material, his method, the whole package is perfect".