Culture Night in Cregan Library, DCU St. Patrick's Campus

DCU Library is hosting Culture Night in Cregan Library on St. Patrick's Campus, this Friday 22nd September from 5pm - 9pm. There will be music by Rosa Nutty, Dublin based song-writer, and DJ Claire Beck from Today FM and readings by Kevin Power, Marina Carr and Deirdre Nic Mhathuna. A children's quiz and treasure hunt will take place for the youngers members of the family
5:30pm Library Tour - doors will be open to the public to visit the fantastic new library building, with tours in both English and Irish.
6:00pm A Reading from Marina Carr (Séamus Heaney Lecture Theatre)
6:30pm A Reading from Kevin Power (Séamus Heaney Lecture Theatre)
6:30pm Rosa Nutty Music Performance (Ground Floor)
7:00pm A Reading from Deirdre Nic Mhathúna (Séamus Heaney Lecture Theatre)
7:30pm Turas i nGaeilge
8:00pm Library Tour