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DCU Institute of Ethics

Prof Ronaldo Munck

Professor of Sociology, Head of Civic Engagement, Director of the Centre for Engaged Research

Ronaldo Munck is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Centre for Engaged Research, and a member of the Council of Europe Task Force on The Local Democratic Mission of Higher Education. Professor Munck was the first Head of Civic Engagement at DCU and drove the ‘third mission’ alongside teaching and research. His own work in this area includes the co-edited volumes Higher Education and Civic Engagement: Comparative Perspectives, Higher Education and Community-Based Research. Creating a Global Vision and The Local Mission of Higher Education: Principles and Practice. 

As a political sociologist Professor Munck has written widely on the impact of globalisation on development, changing work patters and migration. Recent works include Migration, Precarity and Global Governance; Rethinking Global Labour: After Neoliberalism and Social Movements in Latin America: Mapping the Mosaic. 

Professor Munck has led large-scale social research projects funded by The British Academy, Economic and Social Research Council, Human Sciences Research Council, The Horizon Fund (EU), EU Peace and Reconciliation Fund, EU Corporate Social Responsibility Project, EU AGIS framework, EU Science and Society framework, HEA/Irish Aid Programme of Strategic Co-operation, South African Netherlands Partnership for Development, Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Canada. 

He is a member of the editorial board of the following international journals: Globalizations, Global Social Policy, Global Discourse, Global Labour Journal, Latin American Perspectives and Review: Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center. He is a lead author of Amartya Sen’s International Panel on Social Progress Report ‘Rethinking Society of the 21st Century’.