Prof Patrick Brereton
Professor, School of Communications
Patrick Brereton is Professor at the School of Communications. He is the Associate Dean for Research in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science at Dublin City University. His books include Hollywood Utopia: Ecology in Contemporary American Cinema (2005); Continuum Guide to Media Education (2001) and the Historical Dictionary of Irish Cinema (2007) with Roddy Flynn. He has just completed a book titled ‘Smart Cinema: DVD add-ons and new Audience Pleasures’ for Palgrave, reflecting the need to appreciate cinema within the context of new modes of consumption.
Patrick has several other book chapters and publications across a wide range of journals on various aspects of film and media culture and remains committed to developing cross disciplinary links. In particular he has developed Environmental Ethics through teaching a new module on the Masters in Ethics and is working on a research project with colleagues across the Faculty around Teaching Ethics using Film and Literature.