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EQI: Centre for Evaluation,Quality & Inspection
Team Meeting, Qualas

Latest Meeting of E+ Qualas Project

The latest meeting of the Erasmus + QUALAS project took place today. The project, which explores quality assurance with learning analytics in schools, is led by the Free University of Brussels and EQI, DCU is an active partner.

The latest meeting of the Erasmus + QUALAS project took place today. The project, which explores quality assurance with learning analytics in schools,  is led by the Free University of Brussels and EQI, DCU is an active partner. 

Project Summary 

In light of the digital transformation, the QUALAS project aims to build capacity in secondary education schools for the use of learning analytics in the framework of quality assurance. At an individual level, it aims to increase staff members' competences and awareness. At the organisational level, it seeks to create readiness and collaboration within and/or across schools with regard to learning analytics for quality assurance. To that end, it will develop supporting tools and a training module.

More information on the project and the partners can be found here 
