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EQI: Centre for Evaluation,Quality & Inspection
ECER 2023

EQI Researchers Present at ECER 2023

EQI Researchers presented a number of papers at the ECER 2023 Conference in Glasgow

EQI researchers  presented several papers at the  2023 European Conference on Educational Research in Glasgow, Scotland. 


Drawing on a range of national and European research projects EQI researchers presented across 4 Networks exploring areas such as diversity in initial teacher education, culturally responsive evaluation and planning, the nature of secondary school leadership in Ireland and citizenship education in Europe. Full details about the papers are included below: 


The Place of Cultural Responsivity in Teacher Education Programmes on the Island of Ireland
Brown, Martin (1); Eaton, Patricia (2); Heinz, Manuella (4); Hughes, Joanna (3); O'Hara, Joe (1); Rowan, Anna (2) Organisation(s): 1: DCU Institute of Education, Ireland; 2: stranmillis university college, Northern Ireland; 3: Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland; 4: University of Galway

Exploring Intercultural Community Evaluation and Planning (ICCEP)
Brown, Martin;   Gardezi, Sarah; O'Hara, Joe; McNamara, Gerry; Del Castila Blanca, Laura
Organisation(s): EQI The Centre for Evaluation Quality and Inspection - DCU Institute of Education, Ireland

"Follow the Leader" Capturing the Perspectives of Post-Primary Principals in the Irish Voluntary School Sector Implementing Distributed Leadership
O'Rourke, Maree,  O'Brien,  Shivaun
 DCU Institute of Education, Ireland


Citizenship Education in Europe and Beyond. The Role of Research

Paulína Koršňáková1, Joe O'Hara2, Karen Pashby3, Maria Magdalena Isac4, Andres Sandoval Hernandez5, Ralph Carstens6

1IEA & SERS, Slovak Republic; 2Dublin City University Institute of Education, Ireland; 3Manchester Metropolitan University, UK; 4KU Leuven, Belgium; 5University of Bath, UK; 6IEA Hamburg, Germany