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EQI Researchers Present at ESAI 2023



EQI researchers presented 9 papers at the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference hosted by the Stranmillis University College . The conference drew researchers from across the island of Ireland and beyond to present papers addressing the theme ‘Education, Change and Democratic Societies: New imperatives and creative responses.


Researchers from EQI presented papers on a variety of topics including:

  • Blended Learning
  • Cultural Responsivity in Initial Teacher Education
  • Professional Learning Networks
  • Distributed Leadership
  • Migration
  • Education Policy
  • Network Leadership and Evaluation
  • School Library Provision
  • Student Participation
  • Student Voice


Full details on all papers can be found below:


The hindering and facilitating F(A)ctors for Blended learning in Formal Education: Cases from Europe

Martin Brown2, Roger Austin1, Charoula Angeli3, Anthony Kilcoyne4, Nial Larkin4, Antone Gambin5, Stephen Roulston1, Sammy Tagart1, Skinner Barbara1

1University of Ulster; 2EQI, School of Policy and Practice, DCU Institute of Education; 3Department of Education, University of Cyprus; 4PDST Technology in Education; 5Vismed Maltya; 


The place of cultural responsivity in Teacher Education Programmes on the Island of Ireland

Martin Brown1, Joanne Hughes2, Patricia Eaton3, Sarah Gardezi1, Manuela Heinz4, Joe O'Hara1, Sharon Jones3, Anne Rowan3


The Impact of Evidence Informed Professional Learning Networks: Cases from Northern Ireland Schools

Paddy Shevlin, Martin Brown, Gerry McNamara, Joe O'Hara


Education Policies and Immigration. From the Aspirational to the Realised?

Sarah Gardezi, Martin Brown, Gerry McNamara, Joe O'Hara


Growing apart or Coming together? Deconstructing Education Policy and Practice on the island of Ireland

Stephen Roulston1, Martin Brown2, Samuel Taggart1, Eemer Eemer Eivers2


The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Student Voice in Education: Cases from Belgium, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Portugal, and Turkey

Joe O'Hara, Martin Brown, Paddy Shevlin, Gerry McNamara, Shivaun O'Brien, Sarah Gardezi


Follow the Leader" Capturing the Perspectives of Post-Primary Principals in the Irish - Voluntary School Sector on Implementing a Distributed Leadership Framework

Maree O Rourke, Shivaun O' Brien


School Library Provision in the Republic of Ireland: a Case Study

Breege A. O'Brien, Shivaun O'Brien, John O'Hara


Student participation as a key aspect of wellbeing in Irish primary and post-primary schools: a case study.

Shivaun O'Brien, John O'Hara, Sharon Hogan, Jerrieann Sullivan, Peter Tobin, Fiona Joyce, Rosa Devine, Sandra Irwin-Gowran