Craig Skerritt wins ESAI Early Career Researcher Award
At the recent annual conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI), a body dedicated to the advancement of educational research in Ireland, EQI researcher Craig Skerritt was awarded a High Commendation Early Career Researcher Award by the ESAI Executive Committee for his contribution on student voice research.
This research, originally part of Craig’s doctoral research supervised by Prof Joe O’Hara and Dr Martin Brown, has since been published in the ESAI’s refereed journal Irish Educational Studies, and makes a novel and important contribution to scholarship by developing and presenting a set of concepts and questions for those researching student voice in Ireland to consider and explore in their studies, and specifically in relation to classroom practice at post-primary level.
The full research paper published in Irish Educational Studies can be read here: https://www.tandfonline.com/
A subsequent paper has since been published in the international journal Pedagogy, Culture & Society and can be accessed here: https://www.tandfonline.com/