Professor Joe O’Hara Delivers Keynote Address at Portuguese National Educational Research Conference
EQI Co-Director, Prof Joe O’Hara, delivered the Keynote Address at the XIVth Congress of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences ( SPCE) .
The conference held in the University City of Coimbra was entitled ‘Sciences, Cultures and Citizenships’ and drew over 500 participants from Portuguese educational research institutes as well as a large number of researchers from Brazil.
In his paper, ‘Reconceptualising Educational Research in a time of Demographic Change : Micro solutions for Macro challenges’ Prof O’Hara spoke about the changing landscape of educational research in Europe and identified the need to take account
of demographic and cultural diversity as being a key challenger for the European research community. The paper was followed by a wide-ranging discussion that saw many of the reflect on the possibility of education and educational research
increasing its influence at the micro school level in order to impact on the macro policy level.