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EQI: Centre for Evaluation,Quality & Inspection
Assessment with and for students with a migrant background

Assessment with and for students with a migrant background




This one-day conference - Aiding Culturally Responsive Assessment and Assessment (ACRAS) addresses issues concerning assessment with and for migrant background students.


What is ACRAS


ACRAS is a strategic partnership between EQI- The Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection (DCU Institute of Education), University of Oslo, University of Linz and Cankiri Karatekin University. The purpose of the partnership is to investigate the various strategies schools and teachers use to assess migrant background students. The partnership endeavours to develop a conceptual framework of best practice in educational assessment for minority and migrant students as well as supportive strategies (presented as a toolkit) to incorporate culturally responsive assessment in educators’ practice.


Developing methods for assessment with and for students with a migrant background


The theory of culturally responsive assessment suggests that ethnic minorities may suffer discrimination through the modes of assessment applied in schools. The effects can be particularly significant when the assessment tests knowledge, competence and ability at a point of transition which determines future life path or a rite of passage. Instead of a “one-fits-all” mentality, ACRAS aims to develop methods of culturally responsive assessment which allow for differentiation and the contextualisation of learning in a culturally appropriate manner. What strategies do schools use and what challenges do they face in assessment of migrant students? How can teachers develop assessment formats and tools that help them assess students’ prior knowledge and adapt their assessment strategies to diverse students?


Who is this conference for?


The target group for this conference is researchers, ministries and directorates, teacher educators, school owners, teachers and school principals.


Time and place


Sep. 27, 2018, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Auditorium 1, Helga Engs hus, University of Oslo


Registration and further details are available at the following link or at assessment.ie