EQI Members graduate
Two members of the EQI were awarded Doctoral qualifications this week.
Dr. Jane O’Kelly – a member of staff at the School of Policy and Practice at the DCU Institute of Education and academic member of EQI – was awarded a PhD in a ceremony in DCU on Thursday November 3rd. Her study, which was entitled 'How can a Community of Practice concept and process support undergraduates learning experiences?’ , examined the role played by learning communities in enhancing and supporting undergraduate learning experiences.
At the same ceremony Dr. Bernadette Sweetman, a Research Assistant at EQI, was awarded an Ed. D. for her work entitled ‘Godparenthood in Ireland: An Empirical Study of the Educational Intentions Influencing Parental Selection of Godparents’. This was the first Irish study in the concept of godparenthood and the findings both challenge and illuminate an area of Irish life that has touched on many if not all families.
The whole EQI team would like to offer their congratulations to Bernadette and Jane and wish them well in their future research and teaching careers.