Network Seminar | Irish Evaluation Network | EQI
Irish Evaluation Network
Network Seminars
6th November 2015, 1pm: "Service Evaluation Processes and Liabilities: A Commissioner's Perspective"
Marian Quinn, The Childhood Development Initiative Ltd.
12th June 2015, 1pm: "Policy Evaluation and Good Government"
Professor Niamh Hardiman, UCD
1st March 2013, 3pm: "Evaluating the impact of STI policy and publicly-funded research in Ireland - learning from international practices and experiences"
12th October 2012, 1pm: "SPEAK: Strategic Planning, Evaluation and Knowledge Networking"
Brian Dillon & Paul Butler, Nexus Research
5th November 2010, 1pm: "Evaluation of Science and Technology Investments."
Jim Ryan & Brendan Wafer, The CIRCA Group Europe Ltd
Friday 23rd April 2010, 1pm: "Appling evidence-informed approaches to improving children's services."
Dr. Deborah Ghate of the Centre for Effective Services
Friday 20th November 2009, 1pm: "Is evaluation of public policy in Ireland dying? And if it is, should we care?"
Dr Richard Boyle, Institute of Public Administration
Thursday, 9th October 2008: 'Measuring Implementation of Irish Policies.'
Dr Anne-Marie McGauran and Dr Jeanne Moore, National Economic and Social Forum
Friday, 23rd May 2008: 'Monitoring and Evaluation of a Multi-Agency Response to Homelessness: A Western Australian case study of evaluating the complex.'
Peter Wilkins, Western Australia Office of the Auditor General
Friday, 14th December 2007: 'Assessing Value for Money - the View from the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General.'
Seamus McCarthy, director of the Value for Money Audit, Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General.
Monday, 9th October 2006:'How can we know if EU cohesion policy is successful?'
Dr John Bradley was formerly a Research Professor at the ESRI and is now an international consultant in the areas of Structural Fund design and evaluation. His current research and consultancy activities focus mainly on the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). He has made a special study of the impact of pre-accession and post-accession Structural Funds on the CEE economies and has acted as a consultant to government ministries in Latvia, Estonia, Poland, East Germany and the Western Balkans.
Friday, 9th June 2006:'A Participatory Consulation Model: the European University Association, Quality Review of DIT (2005)'
Aidan Kenny has been an Assistant Lecturer for five years in the Plasterwork Department, School of Construction Skills, Faculty of the Built Environment in the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT). The author comes from a construction trade background. He was a Subject Matter Expert for ITAC and a World Skills Examiner for the Department of Education and Science. Currently Aidan is on a two years secondment to the Department of Academic Affairs as Qualification Framework Development Officer. Aidan also worked as Community Development Officer for the Clondalkin Partnership and was the elected Chairperson of Dublin Colleagues Branch, Teacher Union of Ireland from 02-04. He has a BA (Hons) from DCU, major Psychology, minor Sociology and is a graduate member of the British Psychology Society. Currently he is completing a dissertation for an MSc in Educational Training Management from DCU.
Tuesday, 10th January 2006: 'Good Practice in Commissioning Research and Evaluation'
A joint workshop by the Irish Evaluation Network in association with the Social Research Association Ireland. The theme of the seminar is commissioning research and evaluation, and will be of particular interest to both commissioners and providers of research and evaluation.
Keynote speakers include Ms. Sue Duncan, UK Government Chief Social Researcher, Cabinet Office and Ms. Janet Lewis, leader of the Social Research Association UK initiative on research commissioning.
- 'How can research contribute to policy?' By Ms Sue Duncan
- 'Good practice in commissioning research and evaluation' By Jim Fitzpatrick
- 'Commissioning social research: taking forward the SRA good practice guidelines' By Janet Lewis
- 'Commissioning research and evaluation – a commissioner's perspective' By Ivan Grimes
Thursday, 8th December 2005: 'Finding and Using Evidence: The Healthcare Experience'
When appointed in 1998 Prof Cowman took up the first Chair of nursing in Ireland. As a registered Psychiatric and General Nurse and Nurse Tutor, Seamus Cowman has practiced clinically across the health services in Ireland and the UK. He studied at the Royal College of Nursing London and London University, undertook an MSc at the University of Surrey and a PhD at Dublin City University and became the first nurse in Ireland to obtain a PhD from an Irish University in 1994. Prof Cowman became a Fellow of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 1999. Prof Cowman has published over 50 papers and book chapters and has presented papers at national and international conferences. He is a member of the editorial board of a number of international journals. He is also a member of a number of National Committees including NQAI. Seamus is active in nursing research in areas such as Wound Care, Disability, Violence and Assault on health care staff.
Thursday, 10th March 2005: Government's Expenditure Review Initiative: Progress 2002 - 2004
Conor McGinn will discuss the progress achieved to-date under the Irish Government's Expenditure Review Initiative. The Expenditure Review Initiative (ERI) is a systematic approach to the evaluation of Government expenditure. The Department of Finance have recently published a progress report on the Initiative by the Expenditure Review Central Steering Committee (ERCSC). The report finds that, while progress is being made by Departments/Offices in undertaking systematic evaluation, there is scope for further improvement. In particular, the ERCSC considers that expenditure reviews should impact more strongly on decisions regarding the allocation of resources.