World Book Day 2022

World Book Day 2022

For World Book Day 2022 the School of English in DCU are celebrating Irish picture books, with three bite-sized interviews with Irish picture book authors who read their books and answer some questions. The best readers of picture books are children, so we have reached out to three class groups who have read the books with their teachers and come up with the questions for the authors.

We would like to say a big thank you to senior infants in Scoil Bhride, Paulstown, Co. Kilkenny, who read Eva and the Perfect Rain by Tatyana Feeney, to Senior Infants in Grace Park Educate Together National School who read Peter Donnelly’s Up on the Mountain, and to 3rd class in Castleknock Educate Together National School who read Eoin McLaughlin and Polly Dunbar’s The Longer the Wait the Bigger the Hug.

The School of English in DCU is a centre for Research in Children’s and Young Adult Literature with its Masters programme, and the library’s extensive book collections, including the Padraic Colum collection, The Bartlett Puffin Collection, and the Ladybird collection, amongst others.

Keep on an eye on Twitter on World Book Day on the 3rd of March for a chance to win a book bundle of our three featured picture books.