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School of English
Third Transnational Workshop of the Creative Europe G-BOOK Project, ‘Gender Identity'

Third Transnational Workshop of the Creative Europe G-BOOK Project

Dublin City University was delighted to recently host the third transnational workshop of the Creative Europe G-BOOK project, ‘Gender Identity: Child Readers and Library Collections’, on the All Hallow’s and St Patrick’s campuses in January.

Pictured above are co-principal investigator Dr Keith O’Sullivan, associate professor in the School of English and director of the Centre for Children’s Literature and Culture; project assistant Sue Miller, education librarian, DCU Institute of Education; along with partners from University of Bologna, University of Paris 13, University of Vigo, City Library of Sarajevo, and Regional Library of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.

Over the course of three days the project team worked to finalize a bibliography of approximately 500 books for children aged between 3 and 10. These books have the potential to enable young readers to reflect on their identities and, in their own time, question stereotypes, bias and perceived norms around gender. A range of educational activities to support the project was also discussed at the Dublin meeting, including future lectures; public readings; workshops for children, parents and educators; the translation and publication of books (where possible); and, events and initiatives in collaboration with national organisations.

The project runs from June 2017 to December 2018.