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School of English
Book Launch

Book Launch




The School of English held an event on Tuesday 25th April to mark the formal launch of Dr. Sharon Murphy’s, The British Soldier and his Libraries, c. 1822-1901, which was recently published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Professor Aileen Douglas, Head, School of English, University of Dublin, Trinity College, very kindly did the honours on the night. During the course of her speech, Professor Douglas remarked upon the difficulties that are involved in trying to recover histories of reading, and observed that Dr. Murphy’s book sheds ‘spectacular’ light on the reading habits and preferences of nineteenth-century British soldiers. Professor Douglas also emphasised the considerable amount of original research the book contains, and said that the manner in which Dr. Murphy uses soldiers’ letters and memoirs will make the book of interest to both scholars and a more general readership.

Dr. Derek Hand, Head, School of English, DCU, presided over ceremonies on the night, and the event was well attended.