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School of English
MA in Children’s and Young Adult Literature

Applications 2017 - MA in Children’s and Young Adult Literature

The new School of English, DCU, is now accepting applications for its Master’s in Children’s and Young Adult Literature which will commence in September 2017. The study of children’s literature has a long history at DCU as the English Department, which was based on the St. Patrick’s Campus, was the first to offer a taught Masters in Children’s Literature in Ireland from 1997. This will be the first time that applicants will be able to enrol on an MA in Children’s and Young Adult literature. Further details about this part-time (two-year) programme are available on the School’s website: https://www.dcu.ie/courses/Postgraduate/english/MA-Childrens-and-Young-Adult-Literature.shtml. Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr. Sharon Murphy, Chairperson of the Programme, (Sharon.Murphy@dcu.ie).