Research Opportunities | School of Electronic Engineering
Research Opportunities
Research opportunities at Masters, PhD or Post-doctoral level may become available at any time in the academic year. For information on openings in the various laboratories, please visit the 'Laboratory Links'.
If you are unable to find information regarding availability of positions at the laboratory website, please contact the research groups directly.
What about Student Support?
Most EE postgraduate students are supported by Research Studentships. Typically a studentship pays the full tuition fee and provides a tax-free monthly stipend for the tenure of the appointment. Studentships are offered by the recruiting laboratory / group on a competitive basis when available. Some interviews and student visits may be arranged in order to determine the level of shared interest between the student and the group. International students are offered 12-month appointments wherever possible, in order for them to meet visa requirements. Responsibility for securing a research studentship remains with the student.
Alternatively students can apply directly for an IRCSET studentship (www.ircset.ie). Any applicants eligible for IRCSET awards should seek guidance from the EE staff member with whom he/she wishes to work before making the application.
For additional information...
Prospective students may wish to visit:
where information about postgraduate research, registration information, academic regulations, postgraduate research forms, information on scholarships, research centres, fees and contact details may be obtained.
For resources and services information...
Prospective students may wish to visit:
which includes information about accommodation, financial assistance service, health service, quick guide to financial survival in university etc.
Making an Application
Information regarding applying for these or other research positions can be found at the following link: How to Apply?