FEC - School of Electronic Engineering
School of Electronic Engineering


Primary Department
School of Electronic Engineering
Associate Professor
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

  • Oct'19-Sept'23: Associate Dean of Research in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing, DCU, Ireland.
  • Oct'15-present: Associate Professor in the School of Electronic Engineering, DCU, Ireland.
  • Jan 01-Oct'15: Lecturer in the School of Electronic Engineering, DCU, Ireland. 
  • Sept 99-Dec 00: Development Manager, CeramOptec, Blessington, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. 
  • March 96-Sept 99: Project leader, Optronics Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
  • Oct 92-Dec 95: Ph.D., Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications (ENST), Paris, France, Semiconductor Laser Physics for Telecommunication Applications. 
  • IEEE Senior Member since August 2011.
  • PI for the EU IRSES project Ultrafast Photonic Processes & Interactions.
  • Inventor of 7 patents, 2 of which currently licensed.
  • Chair of Level 9 programmes.
  • Developer and Coordinator of the Study Abroad (INSA Lyon, ENSEEIHT Toulouse, Ecole Centrale d’Electronique, Paris...)

Research interests

The primary research activities of my group are: the design, characterisation and applications of lasers and semiconductor optical amplifiers for telecommunications; and Terahertz signal generation and waveguiding. A specific example is the DC-biased passively mode-locked lasers. Our lasers do not integrate a saturable absorber and they work at room temperature. Originally our research was concerned with radio-frequency signal generation for all-optical data processing. We were able to demonstrate a linewidth of 30 MHz at a frequency of 40 GHz with no modulation applied. When synchronised we were able to demonstrate a linewidth of only 8Hz for carrier frequency of 40 GHz. More recently, one of our papers in Optics Express 2009 has been selected to be included in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, January 2010. We were the first to demonstrate a 700-fs width pulses with normal dispersion generated by a dc-biased MLLs. Based on the understanding of the origin of the RF signal generated in the MLLs, we have carried out some study on the generation of THz signal. We were the first to demonstrate the generation of THz signal, (APL 2008) Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, March 2008.
 I was co-chair of the Photonics Society Winter Topicals Meeting series entitled, Advanced in THz devices and applications, 11-13/01/10. I was a member of the Technical Committee of the European Semiconductor Laser Workshop held in Pavia, Italy, on 24-25 September 2010, and currently a member Technical Committee of the of Photonics Ireland 2011. I was also the Irish representative to EU programme COST288. I am a Marie-Curie fellow for a program of R&D in opto-electronics from Oct. 1997-Sept. 1999. Two of my patents are currently exploited in a commercial company, EblanaPhotonics Ltd., They are the primary technology of their product, a single frequency laser based on slot technology.