FEC - School of Electronic Engineering
School of Electronic Engineering


Primary Department
School of Electronic Engineering
Head Of School
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Dr Noel Murphy is an Associate Professor and Head of School in the School of Electronic Engineering in DCU.  He was Associate Dean for Education in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing from 2005-2007, was Head of the School of Electronic Engineering from 2007-2012, and a member of the EE School Executive in the HoS role from 2015-2018, returning to the HoS role in August 2021.

Dr Murphy has been involved in lecturing in engineering in DCU (previously NIHED) since 1986, and has been an external examiner for taught programmes in Trinity College Dublin and the University of Ulster. He was  a member of the Accreditation Board of Engineers Ireland from Dec 2007 to  Mar 2021 and has participated in engineering accreditation visits to most other 3rd level institutions in Ireland and some in Canada. He has 20 years research experience in computer vision/video coding/multimedia information retrieval, has been PI/co-PI on national and EU-funded research projects, and has supervised a number of PhD and research Masters students to completion. He is currently affiliated with the Entwine Research Centre in DCU.

Dr Murphy has been a member of various DCU academic and management committees over the years, including Academic Council, Budget Committee, Research Committee and Teaching Committee. He was an elected staff member of DCU Governing Authority for two terms, and a member of the Strategic Finance Advisory Subcommittee of Governing Authority for much of this time. He has been involved in the development of many undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes, including most recently the Global Challenges programme within DCU Futures jointly with the DCU School of Law & Government, the integrated BEng/MEng  of the Electronic and Computer Engineering programme, the 3U Master of Engineering in Digital Health and Medical Technologies, and the DCU BSc in Aviation Management with Pilot Studies, onto which he lectures. In June 2015 he completed a three-year part-time MA in Pure Mathematics in Maynooth University. His primary degree was a BA(Mod) in Theoretical Physics from TCD and his PhD (DCU 2003) was on Information Theory models for Biological and Artificial Vision. Outside of DCU he is the Honorary Secretary for the Irish Light Aviation Society, holds a Private Pilot's Licence, is co-owner of a 1940 Piper J5 and is building a Vans RV-8.

Research interests

Biological and artificial vision; human sensory augmentation; Information Theoretic models for visual sensing; the work of Stephen Grossberg. Algebraic number theory; elliptic curves over the complex numbers; ApĂ©ry's constant; Secure data analytics on SGX-enabled applications; Enabling retention of data ownership and control by the data subject with confidential computing environments/secure enclaves.The Internet of Things; the Internet of Personal Things; secure processing at the edge of the Internet for IoT applications.