FEC - School of Electronic Engineering
School of Electronic Engineering

Dushyantha A

Primary Department
School of Electronic Engineering
Assistant Professor
Phone number: 01 700
01 700 5120
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Dr. Basnayaka is an Assistant Professor in School of Electronic Engineering at Dublin City University. Prior to DCU, he was with Institute for Digital Communication at the University of Edinburgh, UK from 2013 to 2019. He received a B.Sc.Eng (1st Hons) and a PhD degree, both in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, in 2006 and 2012 respectively. His current research broadly lies at the intersection of Wireless Communication and Applied Electromagnetism, and currently focuses on physical layer aspects of IoT and beyond-5G communication. He holds patents in key areas of wireless communication and one of which has also been licensed by industry. Dr. Basnayaka is the recipient of the best paper award at Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring) 2015 - the flagship conference of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, USA - the largest professional organisation in the world for the advancement of science and technology. Dr. Basnayaka has also held full-time appointments at Aberdeen Standard Investment (ASI), Edinburgh, UK. ASI is the largest active asset manager in the UK.

For more information: http://www.eeng.dcu.ie/~basnayak/Home.html


I currently look for 1-2 PhD students to start soon. If you have a good first degree or Masters degree in Engineering or Physics (major in Electrical Engineering, Electromagnetism or related), do not hesitate to contact me directly via e-mail with your complete and up-to-date CV.

Research interests

Dr. Basnayaka's particular research interests include digital signal processing techniques for wireless communication, multi-user and multi-antenna (MIMO) techniques, cellular and mobile communication, wireless communication with fading and interference, statistical performance analysis and computer simulation of wireless systems & networks, information theory for wireless communication, and electromagnetic effects and advancements in material science for next generation wireless communication.

Representative Publications

[7] D. A. Basnayaka, ``Mediumband Wireless Communication, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), London-Beijing, UK/China, Sep. 2022. In this work, we aim to enable wireless communication through mediumband channels, which is a new class of channels, that fall between conventional narrowband and broadband channel.

[6] D. A. Basnayaka, The aspects of Doppler Assisted Wireless Communication, IEEE International conference on Industrial and Information Systems 2019, Dec. 2019 (Invited paper).

[5] D. A. Basnayaka, T. Ratnarajah, “Multi-user communication in difficult interference,” IEEE InternationalConference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2019, Brighton, UK, May 2019
[4] C. Chen, D. A. Basnayaka, and H. Haas, “Downlink performance of optical attocell networks,” IEEE/OSAJournal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 34 no. 1, pp. 137 – 156, Jan. 2016 - (Review paper on Li-Fi)

[3] D. A. Basnayaka, M. Di Renzo, and H. Haas “Massive but few active MIMO,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 6861 – 6877, Aug. 2015.

[2] D. A. Basnayaka, P. J. Smith and P. A. Martin, ``Performance analysis of macrodiversity MIMO systemswith MMSE and ZF receivers in flat Rayleigh fading,'' IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication (TWC), vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1 – 12, May 2013
[1] D. A. Basnayaka, P. J. Smith and P. A. Martin, “Ergodic sum capacity of macrodiversity MIMO systems in flat Rayleigh fading,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 5257 – 5270, Sep. 2013.