FEC - School of Electronic Engineering
School of Electronic Engineering


Primary Department
School of Electronic Engineering
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Dr Derek Molloy is a Professor in the School of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Computing at Dublin City University. He lectures in Connected Embedded Systems, Object-oriented Programming, and Digital & Analogue Electronics at postgraduate and undergraduate levels. His research interests are in the fields of Embedded Systems, Computer & Machine Vision, Graphics & Visualisation and e-Learning. He has published two important Wiley texts on embedded systems, Exploring Raspberry Pi and Exploring BeagleBone, which are used on engineering programmes in universities across the world (including translations into Chinese and Korean) with more than 200,000 copies in circulation. Derek produces a popular YouTube series on a variety of electronics embedded Linux topics. His videos and personal blog (www.derekmolloy.ie) have introduced millions of people to the electronics, embedded Linux, and physical programming.  Since 1999 he has been a Technical Assessor for IDA (RD&I) and Enterprise Ireland (R&D Fund) applications. 

Research interests

Embedded systems for the Internet of Things, with a particular focus on embedded hardware for edge processing of image data. 3D visualisation, vision and image processing for real-time applications (AR/VR, active meshes, vision for mobile robots). e-Learning platforms and technologies.