Office of the Executive Director of Engagement
Industry & Government

DCU has a strong reputation for its deep engagement with industry and government from its earliest days. Today the university works with government and industry on a range of projects and initiatives that deliver positive outcomes for our students, and for industry and communities at a local, national and international level.
Industry and Government
We welcome engagement in many ways including:
- Accessing DCU’s student talent through Intra (internships) and placements
- Consultation with our research community to tackle challenges and provide solutions
- Consultation with DCU to help shape the curriculum to ensure continued relevance of our degree programmes and to equip our graduates with the knowledge and attributes required.
- Providing tailored professional development for staff
- Providing Micro-Credentials: industry-engaged, accredited qualifications for those looking to gain new skills and competences in a fast and flexible way
Connect with us:
- For an overview on the many different ways you can engage with DCU
- For information about DCU about INTRA Internships and Courses which offer Intra
- For information about DCU's Micro-Credential offerings
- For information about DCU about student mobilities including Erasmus and Study Abroad
- For information about Collaboration & Partnering opportunities
- For information about DCU’s Research capabilities
- For information about DCU’s Access programme
- To contact the DCU Educational Trust