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Business School

Assist. Prof

Primary Department
Business School
Assistant Professor Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Work Area/Key Responsibilities
Assistant Professor Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Phone number: 01 700
01 700 5450
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Peter Robbins is one of Ireland’s foremost experts in innovation and new product and service development. He was global head of innovation excellence for GlaxoSmithKline where he led many of the worldwide, new product launches for Lucozade, Aquafresh, Sensodyne, Panadol, Ribena, alli and NiQuitin. Peter’s PhD is in Innovation. His area of research is how firms organise for innovation. He is a former head of the Department of Design Innovation in Maynooth University. He is an innovation advisor to the Governments development agencies and has developed and run courses and workshops in innovation for organisations in the public and private sector. He is on a number of innovation advisory boards in business and the third sector. Peter has trained in the renowned Stanford D School, he is a graduate of London’s What-if creativity programme.  He has published in R&D Management, the Irish Journal of Management: International Journal of Innovation Management; London Strategy Review and regularly speaks at international conferences on the subject of managing creativity and innovation