DCU lecturer speaks at Post Davos Conference in Stockholm
Dr Eric Clinton, DCU Business School Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Director of the DCU Centre for Family Business recently spoke at the Post Davos Nordic Summit 2017.
This was the seventh annual Summit held in Stockholm, in association with the World Economic Forum, and was attended by around 150 Chairmen and Chief Executives from the region’s leading companies along with entrepreneurs, academics and expert commentators from around the world.
The theme of the conference was “Responsive and Responsible Leadership” looking at some of the challenges of political and economic leaders now face in environments that are increasingly divided and where the gaps are growing - socially, economically and culturally. The importance of free trade and entrepreneurship underpinned the talks of the day, emphasising the importance of showing clear leadership that is characterised by accountability and is open to ideas, suggestions and influences.
Dr Clinton pointed to things that are the hallmark of family businesses, bringing the learnings that non family-business can take from multi-generational family firms.
“To speak on the stage where previous Nobel Prize winners have stood was a huge honour for both me and the work of the DCU Centre for Family Business" said Dr Eric Clinton. "Post Davos provided invaluable exposure of our Irish family firms and what they're doing in relation to succession planning, corporate governance and innovation".