Business School

Link Research Institute Launch

The Link Research Institute was recently launched at DCU Business School. The institute sets out to examine the key factors that contribute to successful organisations through a range of inter-disciplinary research that focuses on people management, leadership, strategy, finance, knowledge management and entrepreneurial capacity. The launch coincided with a research workshop that was attended by Link members and a number of international research scholars.


Pictured at the launch of the Link Research Institute, DCU are (front row l-r): Dr. Angelos Alexopoulos, Dr. Cesario Mateus (Greenwich University), Dr. Edel Conway (Director, Link Research Institute), Prof. Lorna McKee (University of Aberdeen), Dr. Johan Coetsee (Northumbria University). Back row: Prof. Elissa Perry (Columbia University), Prof. Rob Poell (Tilburg University) and Prof. David Storey, OBE (University of Sussex).