Business School

DICE Prize Giving 2013

The DICE (Digital, Innovation, Creativity and Enterpreneurship)  prize giving ceremony was held in the Business School on the 27th of May. Student teams received prizes from their sponsors Techspectations, Microsoft, the DCU ISS department and DCU Business School. Students were awarded prizes as a result of their efforts in the DICE module in the areas of: best blog, best mobile app, best research poster and best Prince2 results.

DICE is an action learning module involving 367 first year business and enterprise computing students (supported by 140 postgraduate students). The aim of DICE is to deliver enterprise education using an experiential and innovative approach.


Students explore the themes through:

  • Five mini-conferences in the Helix with industry guest speakers and the completion of a personal blog on each of these.
  •  PRINCE2 Project Management Foundation Level online e-learning course.
  • Participation in a cross-faculty team to develop a functioning mobile app using AppBuilder for a club or society in DCU. This involved the development of apps for over 90 DCU clubs and societies this year. Students are managed by postgraduate NGM students.
  • Participation in a cross-faculty team to conceptualise a mobile app which utilised cloud computing technology to meet university IT and sustainability goals, presented by means of a research poster.

The DICE programme, which is run by Dr. Theo Lynn and Roisin Lyons has been shortlisted for four awards in its two years of running.