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Business School

CIMA Global Business Case Challenge Competition

DCU Business School would like to congratulate our students on their recent achievements at the CIMA Global Business Challenge, the team were awarded runners-up in the competition and came in second place. The team involved included Koren Good, Karl Davitt, Deirdre Ni Inglis Ni Eideain and Robert McMahon and mentored by Dr Ruth Mattimoe, CIMA Advocate for DCUBS assisted by Geraldine Lavin and Joanne Lynch.

The competition is an international business competition designed to bring out the best in the young business leaders of tomorrow. This is a great opportunity for students around the world to showcase their talent in business management. Participants are given the opportunity to experience what it is like to be a business leader and network with industry players and leading pioneers in the world of business.

The Irish CIMA Global Case Challenge was held at the Instuitute of Tallaght on 8 June and the semi-finalists included teams from UCC, Letterkenny Institute of Technology and DCU.